Cilice zoekt een zanger

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Berichten: 2305
Lid geworden op: wo okt 01, 2008 7:29 pm
Locatie: Haarlemmy

Cilice zoekt een zanger

Bericht door NotYourBitch » do jun 03, 2010 1:58 pm

CILICE still looking for vocalist!
Almost two months after publishing the news singer Daniël will be leaving the band we think it's time for an update:
Several vocalists have shown us their capabilities by sending a demo with vocals on top of the instrumental version of "God of Lies" we provided.
The results varied and all we can say is we couldn't pick the one yet.
Our search continues..
So if you think you're the one: It is not too late to respond!
Please contact us on our myspace or send an email to Hellted Prod.
e.mail: theotuma@​​​yahoo.​​​com

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